Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spiritual Booster

Today at JPCGU, we had an all school retreat. It was really wonderful. It started at 12:30pm with a full on lunch including sandwiches, chips, cookies, strawberries, soft drinks, and bottled water. Fr. Martin from Miles Christe came and gave two talks on faith, gave us time for quiet reflection, led us through a group activity and meditation on C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters, led us in an hour and fifteen minutes of Adoration, offered confession for as long as needed, and said Mass. Then we had dinner which consisted of catered Pat & Oscars. It was exactly what I needed in my spiritual life.

Unfortunately, in my academic life, I'm behind. Initially, I had 15-20 pages due for tomorrow (Wednesday) and I hadn't started them yet. At about 8:30pm, I was editing page 2 (and hadn't gotten any further than page 2), when I received an email from my professor saying that he can't come down tomorrow (he's from L.A.). Which means my script isn't due until next week! Yay!

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