Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Joys of Being a Senior

Yes, that's right, I am a senior now. I have been for the past five weeks or so. This quarter has so far been one of the most enjoyable quarters that I have had for a long time. The classes I am taking this quarter are:
  1. Documentaries
  2. Senior Project: Pre-Production
  3. Advanced Distribution and Marketing
  4. Business Launch
  5. Marriage and Family
This is the homework due next week:
  1. What Would Google Do? (Reading: 20 Pages by Thursday)
  2. Moviegoers to Marketing (Reading: 2 Chapters by Thursday)
  3. Documentary Reading (60 Pages: DONE)
  4. Study for Documentary Midterm (Monday)
  5. LAUNCH BUSINESS and open bank account! (By Thursday night)
  6. Identify at least five distributors (By Friday night)
  7. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body (Reading: About 60 pages by Thursday)
  8. Catholic for a Reason IV (Reading: no clue, but it should be pretty easy by Thursday)
  9. 15-20 pg. script (Wednesday)
These are the final projects due at the end of the quarter
  1. Director's Notebook
  2. Marriage and Family Paper (15-20 pgs.)
  3. Documentary on Skeeter, the Rodeo Horse
  4. Marketing Project 

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