Saturday, April 25, 2009

Very Vivid Nightmare/Dreamsequences

I usually can't remember my dreams, but there are a few that I remember for years in intense detail. The most recent ones have been about JP Catholic being persecuted. For whatever reason, at very random times, I have dreams about JP Catholic's involvement in a second sort of Nazi holocaust, or being shot at by Communists. Once I had a dream that the whole school, in fact the whole of conservative USA was put into a concentration camp and the males and females were separated. It wasn't extraordinarily horrible, except for the fact that we most definitely not free. There was a huge security gate surrounding the camp and the males were separated from the females and everything was scheduled and we were watched like hawks.

This normally doesn't scare me, but every once in a while, I have a dream that does come true. It's usually not that big of a deal. It's just like, "Whoa." It's like dejavu or something. And when I was telling my roommate about the persecution dreams and how they weird me out, because they are so realistic, she told me that her sister had a dream about some sort of OK bombing the night before it took place. There was no way for her to hear anything about it, because no one knew it was going to happen. And then they watched the news the next day, and she goes, "That's the yellow truck!" It was the one from her dream. 

Anywho, like I said before, these dreams normally don't creep me out, but every once in a while...

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