Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Three More Days!

In three more days, school will be over... FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! I can't express how exciting I am about this prospect!

Yet, at the same time, it's all rather bittersweet. This is for two simple reasons:

1) Tomorrow is my last day and before that day begins, I need to finish putting together my business plan, demo reel, and trailer. Ah, woe is me! But I know that somehow, before Friday, it will all be over and I'll be done.

2) You have no idea of how much it saddens me to be leaving all my friends. I have so many good memories of JP Catholic and the people here. I love everyone so much.

You have to understand that JP Catholic is like a family. The school is so small (there's about 120 students) and I know EVERY SINGLE ONE. And for the most part, I consider them all my close friends (even the strange artsy ones).

The good news is, I'll be living at home for another year or so before entering a religious order (so excited about this), and therefore, hope to visit the school frequently. We'll see whether or not this actually happens, but that is the plan for the time being.

So, you see (hopefully), my reasoning for being happy and sad at the same time. I'm still debating whether or not I should wear mascara on Saturday for fear that it may all end up running down my face in long black streaks.

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