Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back to the Grind

I hope that it is, at least, a fun grind. Yes, I am back for another quarter. (The second quarter of my third year to be precise.) I have survived three out of five classes and already have a decent amount of homework and projects to get back to. There are three film projects, some due more imminently than others. Most importantly, I am continuing my work on the Protect Marriage and Sarah's Law ammendments, making short promo vids. (We only have about six weeks left. ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!)

But I am not thinking about those particular things right now. I make a point of trying not to dwell on how much I have to do (although most know me as an over achiever). At the moment, I am sitting on my bed with my back to a couple of soft pillows. The window is open to its fullest and I can feel the soft warm breeze on my arm. Unbearable heat has been my cross for the last two days and I am grateful for any change for the better. I am listening to my favorite band of all time, "Leahy". Tomorrow morning is the all campus retreat. Fr. Saroki and Fr. Huston will come at 8:45am and will offer Confession, Mass, and a couple of thought provoking talks. (At least I hope they are thought provoking.) Then there is the weekend, I get Monday and Tuesday off, and I resume class on Wednesday morning. Pray that I receive my final book on Thomistic ethics by Saturday. I am both nervous and excited about that one. Nervous, because I hope that I understand it. Excited, because I cannot wait to struggle with trying to understand it. (I am weird, am I not.)

Anyways, cheers to you all and I hope you enjoy this fall season. (Hopefully, the weather in SD will become more fall like. I have such an appreciation for crisp weather and crunchy leaves. Maybe I'm in the wrong state.) Hopefully, I can post again before the end of this quarter. May God bless each and every one of you! And just because, the airshow is this weekend, I thought I would post a poster that I made for one of my quar
ter's first year. It was an idea for a possible TV show that I thought of. I had to advertise it for my final project.

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