Saturday, June 14, 2008

You Have to Get Through the Thorns Before You Reach the Rose

This is what my brother said last night. My mom has been reading Shadow of the Bear every night before bed. It's a Grimm's Fairy Tale retold.

Scott: You have to get through the thorns before you reach the rose. I just came up with that!

BAGEL: Unfortunately, someone came up with it before you.

Scott: Really? I thought I had come up with it. What does it actually mean?

Me: The girl is playing hard to get. You have to work hard to get the girl, etc.

Scott: Oh... well that's not what I meant.

Bridget: ?

Scott: I meant that the parents are the thorns. You have to get through the thorns to get to the girl.

This resulted in an eruption of laughter from the whole family.


The Sojourner said...

For some reason this reminds me of what happens sometimes when my Scott calls and Dad answers:

"Oh, hi, Scott, how are you? Doing well? Good. How's work going for you? Oh, you want to talk to Megan? Okay, have a nice day."

Meanwhile I'm standing all of 2 feet away waiting to be handed the phone already.

Shakespeare's Cobbler said...

Oh goodness, you've a brother Scott too? Wow. My brothers would have a fun time talking with you about that.

Now, I frankly would've thought that said saying would refer to having to get a job to get through college to get a good enough job to support a family rather than being able to just run off and get married to your beloved right away. The thorns being, of course, not the family (which is the garden that comes from the rose spreading) but the jobs.