Friday, February 22, 2008

Rainy Breakfast Day

I was just thinking that almost every time I write something on my blog, it's cold and wet outside. Well, today is no different and that is exactly why I'm posting. Because it did rain today, and has been raining ever since I got up this morning at 6:00.

It was my turn to cook breakfast for the "Tired of Being Tired" crowd, and, as I always do on Friday morning, I produced a large batch of Apple Snapple (my "secret" recipe, except everyone in the "Tired of Being Tired" crowd knows how I make it). It finally finished cooking, the table was set, and there were only two people (Steve and myself). It turned out that Neil didn't know we were having breakfast. So, as soon as he figured out that we were, he came down to enjoy what he calls "Mystical Apple Snapple". (I guess he doesn't know what's in it.)

I'm going off on a tangent. The main reason for writing this post is to tell you how we ate breakfast this morning. Anyways, we ended up moving a smaller table and three chairs out onto the porch (covered porch), complete with the pot of secretiveness, p.b., bread, and tea. And we sat their with our piping hot breakfast, watching the rain fall and the drops splash on the railing. I felt like the animals in the old Narnia movie, sitting out in the snow, feasting, right before the White Witch discovers them and turns them into stone. The second reason I'm writing this post is because, while we were enjoying our food and the rain, I said, "I think I'm going to write a post for my blog about this later". So I did and am doing and now I'm finished.


bridget said...

"mystical apple snapple"? quite a high falutin' (sp?) for apple porridge...

Shakespeare's Cobbler said...

Heh, some of us not only don't know the apple snapple but don't even know the Tired of Being Tired gang (although had I known it existed I would've tried to join up till a week or so ago when I got untired...).