Well, today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, the beginning of our spiritual journey towards Easter. A time of year where Christians take it upon themselves to give something up. Friends from my old homeschool group have a tradition of giving up sweets and TV. My dad, without fail, gives up sweets every Lent. One year, I gave up singing in the shower (much to my sister's relief). Although it is going to be difficult as I receive notifications every day in my gmail inbox, I gave up facebook this year for Lent. Hence, the title of this post.
I recently discovered how much time I spend in the world of cyberspace and what I do while I'm on: blog jumping (a term that my roommate coined), reading cartoons, browsing YouTube videos, and spending lots of time (too much time) on FACEBOOK. Do you realize how much of that time I could have spent studying? All two hours of it every day of the week. Fourteen more hours a week!!! (I am disgusted with myself.) My dear reader, please realize that my grades are fine, and that I could probably continue going about the way I have been. But I have decided that it would be one of the biggest sacrifices I could make to tear myself away from the world of facebook.
Another issue that was brought to mind, was the sad loss of old fashioned communication through the means of hand written letters and, more recently, talking on the phone and emailing. (Keep in mind, seeing people in person is the ideal.) People had friends before MySpace and Facebook existed. Going back to what I was going to say, I would so much rather receive a hand written letter, or an email, or a phone call, than a notification in gmail informing me that "So and so has written on my wall".
Grant, that this is going to be very difficult, because I do really enjoy using facebook. I have so many friends that live out of state and facebook makes it really easy for me to communicate with them. But I feel the need for a change in my habits and doing this will encourage me to become more productive in my every day life.
I hope that all of my readers have a beautiful Lenten season. I hope that you all discover through each sacrifice you make, what is really important in this life and how each thing you do will prepare you for a perfect and eternal happiness in the next. Remember, that nothing matters except that you live all for the greater glory of God. I pray that these next forty days will bring you closer to Him.
Side note: If you have some spare reading time, you may enjoy this post by the Curt Jester: L-Mart
Hello again :)
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I understand suicide is wrong and that is why I will never do it but I was simply saying I wish there was a way that the church could declare it not wrong but I will follow ALL the church's rules even though I do not agree with all of them.
The only reason I wish suicide was ok is I have had health problems for 32 yrs and it gets tough at times to not be able to live as u want. To have to give up athletics at the age of 23 when u played a decent game of tennis, basketball and volleyball is not a happy experience!!
So anyway on to happier things :)
Why do u like Facebook so much?? I mean is it better than Yahoo 360 or MySpace or MSN's Spaces I believe it is called??
I like Yahoo 360 and enjoy the interaction there whereas Blogger seems very quiet and for ppl who do not wish to meet NEW ppl in "Space" lol but want to just interact with ppl they know in real life or know through a friend in real life whereas I like to just "fly" in space and meet new ppl I never would have met had it not been for the Net :)
BTW if u like emailing how come u don't use the feature here in Blogger where u can make urself available to getting emails from ppl?? Would be nice to email u rather than "say" this all out on one of ur posts like this.
Enjoy and thanks again for visiting my blog here on blogger which admittedly is sorta sparse but that is cuz one gets no comments to any posts here in Blogger and u can see that by looking at any of a number of ppl's blogs. In Yahoo 360 I get lots of comments so makes sense to blog there and learn what ppl are thinking there. PPL comment there lots :)
"Do you realize how much of that time I could have spent studying? All two hours of it every day of the week. Fourteen more hours a week!!! (I am disgusted with myself.) My dear reader, please realize that my grades are fine, and that I could probably continue going about the way I have been."
Well see if ur grades are fine then if u study MORE it might be Tooooooooooo much studying just like they say one can actually get too much sleep. So maybe u r studying just a fine amount and any more would be damaging to ur grades cuz it would be toooooooooo much studying :)
Maybe u need that time on the Net to keep urself fresh and alert and to clear ur head of school work :)
well the email thing is in ur profile set up and you just click the square where it says "Show email address".
I could not find it for the longest time either :)
I like ur varried things u mentioned. They will keep u out of trouble :)
Just don't give up Blogger LOL.
Feel free to email me anytime from my profile :)
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