Thursday, October 11, 2007


I found this quiz on a family friend's blog and I thought it would be fun to it post on mine as well:

1. Do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo?
Answer: Novus Ordo.

2. If you attend the TLM, how far do you drive to get there?
Answer: 45 minutes

3. If you had to apply a Catholic label to yourself, what would it be?
Answer: Does being a Catholic home schooler work?

4. Are you a comment junkie?
Answer: Yes, I guess.

5. Do you go back to read the comments on the blogs you’ve commented on?
Answer: When I remember.

6. Have you ever left an anonymous comment on another blog?
Answer: Once, when I had no other choice.

7. Which blogroll would you most like to be on?
Answer: I don't really care.

8. Which blog is the first one you check?
Answer: or

9. Have you met any other bloggers in person?
Answer: Definitely. MK, Shelle Belle, Rebekah, Kevin, Ria, Alisha, all my classmates, Martin Harold, Professor Barber, and many, many others.

10. What are you reading?
Answer: Currently, I am working through several school books, and when I get the chance to read it, which isn't very often, "Fear Nothing" by Dean Koontz. Unfortunately and fortunately, because of the school books, I haven't had time for much else.

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