Monday, December 21, 2009

I Think I May Need Prayers

Or better yet, I think my family may need prayers as they stand behind me at this time in my life.

As much as I love my Alma Mater, I must say that three years of school with no summer break is exhausting. Yes, I am EXHAUSTED. I am not necessarily tired in the physical sense, but my mental faculties have been overwhelmed, my mind has been crammed with information, and I feel that it may take a couple weeks of watching movies, reading books, and dwelling in subconsciousness to find my sanity. Is this madness? Do I sound nonsensical?

Jesus, help me! I can't even type. (I just caught myself writing, "Is I mad? Does I sound nonsensical?")
It's the second night in a row where I've found myself in tears over something. In addition to being exhausted, I find myself stressed. Although the former may be the cause of the latter or vice versa, I do have to point out one critical factor which may be in the mix. 1) I AM A COLLEGE GRADUATE.

I do not have a job. I am shy.
But you have good connections.
I hate approaching people, even people I know.

Other things to add to the mix:

2) I need to figure out what is going on with my spiritual life.

3) My grandfather is living the last days/months of his life on this earth. I know that he is going to a better place, but it is still depressing. My family is comprised of fairly quiet, shy, and sensitive folk. They argue under stress; they cry easily. Not a good combination, especially when you're stressed to begin with for reasons aforementioned.

4) People send me stupid requests for things which have no meaning and really no importance. Yet they insist. I'll give you a hint. Ask and then leave me be. I will get to it when I have time or I will say no. Either way, do not press me. It will only proceed to tick me off/anger me and thus ignore you or your request/change my mind in the negative. You will not be pleased, I will not care, and the earth will continue to revolve. (I will probably spend more time in Purgatory.)

I am venting. Please forgive me and pray for my well-being. It is almost Christmas and I am in need of cheer. (I should also go to bed and spare you all from rants that are a result of exhaustion.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." -- St. Julian of Norwich