Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Dear Readers,

I realize I haven't blogged in quite a bit of time. The last few weeks of the quarter were quite hectic, between big projects, starting a business, my birthday, and finals. :P Now, I am finally on break and have spent the last few days (starting on Saturday) in San Jose and Redwood City with my extended family. I am staying with one of my mom's sisters and her husband and two little ones. There is finally some silence and a relaxing aura. The cousins are eating a healthy snack, the three year old is chatting with her mother, and the one year old is toddling about saying, "Mama" and "me too!" It is the perfect atmosphere to start my post.

As mentioned above I had several big projects due at the end of the quarter. The ones that come to mind are:

  • 30 min. industry presentation
  • 10pg. industry report
  • A ten page paper on the Our Father (which ended up being more like twelve pages)
  • A two minute film for Sarah's Law
  • A five minute short film for Directing I
Finals managed to fill the last two weeks of the quarter. During the ninth week, I celebrated my birthday! :) I managed to enjoy myself despite the mountains of homework, projects, and finals looming before me. After one and half hours of class, I had the opportunity to attend Mass and some spare time for an hour of Adoration. A couple hours later, I enjoyed intelligent conversation with my parents over a delicious birthday dinner. When I got back to the apartments, my brother insisted that he walk me back up the stairs. Long story short, about six or seven girls jumped out of the dark and presented me with a cake. We had the candles with my lighter. :)

Needless to say, there was great jubilation at the end of finals and I was very happy to see my family and spend some time with them before heading up to the bay area. I have been here since Saturday afternoon and I have learned, once again, how exhausting it is to partake in the life of two children under the age of four. I'm ready to go to bed at 8:30pm. Last night, after the children went to bed, I watched Peter Pan for the first time in years. My aunt and uncle joined me for the end and we talked until midnight. My uncle was eating fresh baked bread with raw garlic in oil and vinegar. I slept until 10:00am this morning. We went to Fresh Choice for lunch and then had a relaxing afternoon of PlayDoh and fresh air.

Well, I must depart. The silent lull is now gone and I hear the sound of little hands on the baby grand piano. I hope to update again soon! :)

God bless you all,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who Would I Be in 1400 AD?

Your result for The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test...

The Prioress

You are a moral person and are also highly intellectual. You like your solitude but are also kind and helpful to those around you. Guided by a belief in the goodness of mankind you will likely be christened a saint after your life is over.

You scored high as both the Lady and the Monk. You can try again to get a more precise description of either the Monk or the lady, or you can be happy that you're an individual.

Take The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test at HelloQuizzy

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Date Chase and Other Future Projects

I really need to start posting again. It keeps me sane in times of anxiety and pessimism. Like the past week and the one coming up. Finals are and have been here. Oh! The projects and the presentations, not excluding our first exam last Tuesday. This week I have two films due (one of which I think is about done) and my Theology final. The purpose of today's entry is to first bring to your attention my second directing project: The Date Chase.

I really quite enjoyed this project. We shot it in two hours and then my lovely editor put it together. I had never done quite so much prep work in my life. Okay, that is not true. There is Unto Dust and the next project I am working on, but those are "other stories that we'll save for another time". 

#2: This would be the other time. I mentioned that I have two more film projects coming up, one of which is almost done. For those of you who do not know (those would be my out of state readers), Proposition 4 or Sarah's Law is going on the ballot in November. The idea behind it is familial notification when a minor is getting an abortion. Well, my film is on Sarah's story. Sarah was about fifteen when she had a secret abortion. They tore her cervix during the procedure, it became infected, and she died. Her parents had no idea what was going on during the trauma of the whole thing. So, that is the sum of my next two projects. One is for Directing I and the other is for Advanced Production. Therefore, one is five minutes and the other is two. Prayers please!